My friend "D" is my most loyal customer. I love taking their pictures because they're so laid back and just go with the flow. We decided to try something new and went to the Botanical Gardens and did some pictures with their beautiful water fountain. If you haven't been to the garden, you need to go. It's very peaceful and they have fun activities for the kids. Just don't let your kids run around too much-they get kind of upset! It's kid-friendly, but not too kid-friendly, if you know what I mean.

Well, this was a recent photo shoot and this little guy was the sweetest boy ever! Don't you just want to eat him up?

the loyal customers
new holiday cards-woo hoo!
I've just added 8 more holiday cards to choose from and they are just beautiful. (Well, at least I think so!) Take a peak. I've also added them to the website under my "Portfolio" gallery. Hope you like as much as I.
Remember this sweet little boy? He's on my portfolio gallery on my website (#5 in the "Your Soul" gallery). If I remember correctly, he was less than a year old at the time and now he's 2 1/2. He's so cute! So here is his older brother and their newest addition, sweet little baby "R." She's my little Diego's age and reminds me so much of him. I think she's a feminine version of him. Every time I see these kids, I just want to kiss and hug them-being the kissy/huggy person that I am!
cat eyes
I absolutely love this picture because it shows how beautiful this little girl's eyes are. They are a yellowish/greenish color. Just stunning! This family is the same family I did last week which I posted a picture of the little boy who is such a ham with his Zoolander pose. This picture here is my favorite and the rest I also loved. Can you believe the mom thinks she's not photogenic? She's beautiful!
new personal blog
I've noticed two types of posts in my blog-personal posts and photography post. So I have decided to keep them seperated (ooo, flash back of that song!). This one will remain my photography blog and my new personal blog will be
halloween festivities
It's been a real busy week with Matt's work and my photo shoots. We have been working hard, but we've also been playing hard. Yesterday was Matt's work party and then we went to the ward trunk-or-treat. We had such a great time. I haven't taken the time to take some pictures that I like of the boys in their costumes, but I did snap a few at the work party. Kai was so busy playing on the huge inflatable slide that this is all I got from him.
Kai must have gone up this thing at least 10 times. What goes up, must come down.Diego just looked sooo adorable in his little lion costume. Yes, I know, I am completely biased, but I'm allowed to say that, aren't I? Come on, just look at him!
They had face painting at the party and Kai wanted a "lion" painted on his cheek. Isn't that the sweetest? Like his little brother.
ham, anyone?
Let me tell you this photo shoot was just hilarious. I photographed a family with 4 boys and 1 princess. I was just quickly looking over the pictures tonight since I took them this morning and came upon this one. I think I've been laughing out loud for about 10 minutes now. I LOVE it! This little boy is such a ham. I told all the boys they had one picture to make the silliest, most goofiest pose and face they could. (That way, they would hopefully get the goofiness out of their systems!) When this little one did this pose, it totally reminded me of my husband. And when my hubby saw it tonight, he said it reminded him of the goofy things he used to do when he was a kid! How funny is that? So here is the picture that describes my photo shoot better than any words I could write. Go on, have a good laugh!
I had forgotten about these adorable little booties. My great aunt made them for Kai when he was born and I just love them. She has diabetes and can barely see, but she still knit them because she wanted to give my baby a gift. They mean a lot to me. I've neglected her, so I'm on a mission to go see her and spend some time with her. So I put the shoesies on Diego today and had to snap some pictures.
in tribute
This session was honestly such a blast. I know I say that about most of my photo shoots, but these little girls were just sooo darn cute. I kept on wanting to hug & kiss them the whole time! (After all, I am a very touchy feely kind of girl!) But I just wanted to post these pictures as an excuse and tribute to the Colonel who is off to war in about a week. Thank you, sir, for your service to our nation. I salute you and all the other men who give up so much to protect our liberty and the small things we take for granted everyday. May you and your family be protected during the following year.So now for the pictures. These girlies were just so full of giddiness, which I loved. The last two pictures were typical of the photo shoot!
And I just love the love in this family. It was so tangible.
mother & daughter
When I have the opportunity to photograph family relationships, I just feel so lucky and blessed. I especially love capturing the emotion between a mother and a daughter. Taking these pictures reminded me of the bond between my mom and I and it also made me want to have a daughter of my own. (Let's not let Matt read this since he's already wanting to have another baby-yikes!)
beautiful fall colors
I just love the beautiful fall colors in Utah. The canyons just burn with amazing colors-yellow, red, orange and even fushia. Matt's side of the family had a picnic in Provo canyon and I thought it would be a great location for family pictures. We found several great locations, including a charming little river. It was so much fun seeing everyone again and seeing Kai play with his cousins (although it did take him a while before he warmed up to everyone).
I've been trying to work on these pictures between photo shoots and editing. So here are a few of the many I took. I know some of these candid ones aren't the best as far as composition, sharpness, etc do, but when it comes to family pictures, the main thing that matters to me is sentimental value.