It's been a real busy week with Matt's work and my photo shoots. We have been working hard, but we've also been playing hard. Yesterday was Matt's work party and then we went to the ward trunk-or-treat. We had such a great time. I haven't taken the time to take some pictures that I like of the boys in their costumes, but I did snap a few at the work party. Kai was so busy playing on the huge inflatable slide that this is all I got from him.
Kai must have gone up this thing at least 10 times. What goes up, must come down.Diego just looked sooo adorable in his little lion costume. Yes, I know, I am completely biased, but I'm allowed to say that, aren't I? Come on, just look at him!
They had face painting at the party and Kai wanted a "lion" painted on his cheek. Isn't that the sweetest? Like his little brother.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
at: 4:57 PM said...
The picture of Ethan is hilarious! It is definitely his personality and as you can see, our kids have a hard time being serious. I don't think I have been more stressed about picture taking than I was on Saturday. It was a good lesson for me to remember to recognize when I need to back away and give the kids space and let them be them. You were great with them, I was a flop!! Sometimes I do get frustrated that they can't be serious on the few times I want them to be but you know, they are only this cute and young for only so long and silliness is better than a sulky teenager! Thanks for doing such a fantastic job with them. I don't think I have had a better photographer ever!!!
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