This is probably my all-time favorite picture of any picture I've taken and I love it even more because it just so happens to be my oldest son. I've been wanting to get this picture blown up huge-a 24x30 on a fine art gallery canvas. So I came back to it this week and played around with it. I wanted a more dramatic feel to it because I always felt like I had never done it justice. I am really pleased with the way this one turned out and I can't wait to get it printed (along with my baby's Sweet 16 newborn collage)!
old picture revisted
the studs
I just have to laugh since these "studs" are my cousins. They are handsome boys with great personalities. We had a great time walking the streets of downtown El Paso posing for shots. They even got whistled at a couple of times! I came up with a name for them since they are always together-Adriel. It actually the dark haired's senior pictures, but since we didn't do the blond one's last year, we decided to do one for both. I know they're really anxious to see their pictures, so I posted a few so they could see (even though they already raided the camera to see all the pictures right after the photo session was up). Hope you enjoyed being the center of attention for an hour and a half! You guys really worked it. Thanks for being such awesome boys! (Oh, and warning to to girls-stay away! I can get pretty vicious.)

charming home