Saturday, August 26, 2006

lazy saturday

It feels so nice to have a photo-shoot-free Saturday. I can't remember the last time I had the entire Saturday free to do whatever I want. It's been very relaxing. I've proofed a few family pictures I took last week of my extended family and I took some pictures of Diego. I keep taking pictures of him because I'm loving his curls! I'm so scared they'll go away the first time he gets a hair cut. So in case that happens, I want to remember those adorable little ringlets. I'm making this blog a short one since I want to enjoy my family today. Have a great weekend!

Here is one I had Tia Marta take of the cousins that were there and some of the nieces and nephews. (I'm in the far left with my cheesy, full teeth smile. Makes me laugh!)


dale ann cubbage says:
at: 10:50 PM said...

YOu have a gorgeous family! Those little curls are too darling!! I would hate to think of them going away!!!


Jessica Sandberg says:
at: 11:00 AM said...

Thanks Dale Ann. I do think my cousins are gorgeous, but then again, I am completely biased! They are such more fun to be around, though.



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