Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ok, how can I go from one post titled therapy to another titled exhaustion? Simply have my husband go away on a business trip for merely 5 days! Luckily, he'll be back in 11 1/2 hours (but who's counting?). This exhuastion is also due to my renewed commitment to being a better mother. Since the baby was born, Kai has had a hard time dealing with all the change that has happened in our home. It's been very obvious to me that when we give him extra attention and love, he behaves a lot better. So I've committed to only work when he's either at school or asleep, which doesn't allow me much time to edit pictures and blog. But it is so worth it to me. If I am not willing to commit to my children, why did I have them in the first place, right? My children are my top priority (2nd to my hubby, of course) and they bring me so much happiness and fulfilment. So these past few days have been very, very tiring as Kai has loved the attention I've given him and can't seem to get enough of it. Hopefully he'll get bored of me sooner than later!

So it's 11:30 and my eyes keep shutting on me, but I wanted to post since I haven't for a few days. I'll leave with a few pictures from my most recent maternity session. I just LOVE taking pictures of preggies and newbies. Lucky for me, I'll be shooting a 2 week-old baby Tuesday. I can't wait!

Uggghhh! I can't get this thing to upload one more picture! I guess I'll just have to try again tomorrow.


at: 3:36 PM said...

Beautiful maternity shots, Jessica! Love your style, it's so provocative!! Lovely work.

I know how you feel about your kids, and commiting to more time with them. I'm struggling with that, as I work part time out of the home as well as my photography business. It's hard to balance it all. RIght now my house is a total disaster, and I see no time to correct it in the near future!!


Cristina Navarro - New Day Photography says:
at: 4:43 PM said...

That third one is lovely!! Great work as usual.

And I know what you mean about time and the children. I'm also up in the wee hours of the night working. But, I have to say, it is sweet being able to do this from home and on the weekends. There are days I simply do not answer the phone or respond to a single email (not yours of course...haha). It's what we've all got to do! We'll see what happens when I've got more than one!

Jessica Sandberg says:
at: 9:23 AM said...

Thanks guys for your comments. I can't imagine having a part-time job on top of everything else, Dale Ann. My house is always a disaster and I don't even have the excuse of having a part-time job! (That's why cleaning ladies are so great! ;)) Cristina, it is great having this creative outlet. It's great having the satisfaction of creating something and on top of that having people pay you for it!



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