Wednesday, September 20, 2006

puppy love

I've been wanting to get some pictures of Diego in his cute little puppy towel that Tia Yaya gave him when he was born. But I always bathe him at night when there is no natural lighting. I didn't give him one last night since I was sooo tired. Yesterday was a crazy, crazy day. I dropped off Kai at pre-school, then had a 3-hour newborn photo shoot, picked up Kai, took him to a birthday party, came home and made chicken soup for my poor little sick hubby, dropped some off at my other sickie friend's house and finally came home for a period longer than a half-hour. (Whew! Long side-note.) Anyway, I was just too tired to bathe the babes last night, so I gave Diego his bath this morning. The light at this time of day is perfect in one of my rooms, so I snapped some pictures of him. It just want to eat my little puppy-he's so darn cute! (Alright, I know I have mommy eyes, but that's what mommies are for, right? Just ask my mom or my grandma! They're so in love with their sons.) Tomorrow Diego will be 5 months old and it is has gone by way too quickly.

(Well, I can't seem to upload any pictures. It's sooo frustrating! I'll try to upload them tonight when it seems I usually have better luck.)

Like I said, my poor hubby's been sick with the flu for a few days now. Yesterday he stayed home from work (very unusual for him to do that since he's become such an workaholic) and just slept ALL day. I felt so bad for him, especially since I wasn't home for more than half the day to tend to him. I guess that was a good thing for him since I took the kids with me. Miraculously, neither one of the kids nor I have gotten sick. (Cross my fingers!) Kai was so concerned for his daddy the whole day. He kept on telling everyone he saw that his daddy was sick. When he came home from pre-school, he went up to Matt and asked, "You sick?" Matt said yes and then Kai responded, "Daddy, you need to go the doctor's, you need to get a bandaid and you need to drink Sibu." Kids always have a simple solution to everything!




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