Our trip to San Antonio was great and very therapeutic. Well, only if you don't concentrate on all the fits, tears and drama that Kai made us put up with. My favorite part of the trip was walking down the River Walk. It just feels so foreign, so European. It's beautiful and relaxing. I got a few pictures of the trip, but wished I had got more. It was just hard to take pictures while constantly tending to the baby and our 3-year-old. Kai LOVED Schlitterban. He's such a little fish. His name suits him so well (it means "sea"). Sea World was also good, but I did think the one in San Diego was a bit better. Here are some pics of the vacation.

These are at the River Walk. (Just wished I hadn't got the elbow in the upper left corner. Urgh! Makes me upset that I couldn't crop it out without cropping Kai out too much!)
And of course, some of Shamu (throwing the trainer above an arch of water in the upper right corner).My sweet little monkey in his car seat, where he spent most of the trip!
The hotel we stayed at is historic and had some beautiful picture windows.
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