Tuesday, September 19, 2006

beautiful newborn

The day finally came when I got to photograph the little almost 2-week old baby I'd been looking forward to shooting all week. I went a little long (3 hours) but it was so worth the wait. At first the baby did great, so I immediately put him on my wooden antique bowl thing (I don't think it's really a bowl, but I can't remember what it is, exactly). This only lasted for the first little while, though. It took me a while to set up, so by the time I was ready, the wee babe had only one thing on it's mind-milk! So the rest of the time was spent camping out, waiting for the baby to eat and fall asleep. But when he finally did go to sleep, I got some great shots. I was really excited to edit these pictures, so I did them all today when my little ones went to sleep. I'll post some of my favs.


Cristina Navarro - New Day Photography says:
at: 10:20 PM said...

Seriously, girlfriend... those shots rock!!! I've been wanting to do a newborn session and capture them in the same style and tone you have, but to no avail! (sigh)
I love, love, love these!

PS I couldn't get the noise reducer to work.

Jessica Sandberg says:
at: 4:45 PM said...

Thanks Cristina. These are the first newborn pictures that I'm completely happy with. It really did take me many newborn photo shoots to finally get what I wanted. I totally agree with your newborn post-newborns are really hard to photograph. But they are sooo stinkin' cute!



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